Here is 1000 Jokes, a Dell magazine that sold for 20 cents 52 years ago. Since we got a large, bulbous-headed naked Bob Hope coming out of a voting booth, I thought this appropriate fodder for NH Primary Day blogging.
Here are the first 2 pages. Ads, of course. Click on any of these pages to super-size the live long day outta them:

And, then, below, finally, the beginning of cartoony goodness -- and what a beginning! A full page Chon Day cartoon.

"It's all tied up at seven-seven, folks, with a half a pint to go."

"Don't argue with him. Let's plug him."
Above: a cartoon by Gallagher. In a perfect world, there would be a hardcover collection of Gallagher's animal cartoons.

Above: cartoonists Pete Wyma and Bob Schwartz Schroeter with two good ones. Schwartz' Schroeter's cartoon is especially risque. OK, so far this has nothing to do with the NH Primary, but isn't it fun? Hang on. Hope is coming ....

And below is a our man, Mr. Hope, quipping politically:

Below: Virgil Partch contributes the visuals to some amusing stories by Avery Weeks. Mr. Partch's work has aged better than Mr. Weeks':

And, closing out today's peek at 1000 Jokes, is a full pager by the one and only Jerry Marcus:

Related: Cartoonist Eli Stein on 1000 Jokes:
Payment was very small, but it always left me with a feeling of satisfaction to be accepted by fellow cartoonists.
Related: Cartoonist and former New Yorker magazine Cartoon Editor Lee Lorenz talks about doing the magazine rounds in NYC back in the day in the February, 14 2000 NY Times:
After the New Yorker stop, they moved on: Collier's, The Saturday Evening Post, Esquire, Sports Illustrated, Ladies' Home Journal, American Legion, True, Cavalier, Playboy. ''At the end of the day,'' Mr. Lorenz said, ''you'd go to '1,000 Jokes,' published by Dell, and the editor would sop up whatever was left.''
UPDATE: I've corrected lady boxers cartoon credit to Bob Schroeter (see above). My thanks to Orlando Busino for correcting my error. Orlando adds:
Bob Schroeter did the two lady boxers ( wrestlers?) gag. Unfortunately he did not have a clear signature and may be doomed to forever be referred to as Bob Schwartz. Bob was a good cartoonist and a very nice guy who worked as cartoon editor for King Feature's LAFF-A-DAY .
Thanks, Orlando!!!
I love that Day cartoon! Full page!
Thanks for scanning all these in!
And a big thank you to the one and only Orlando Busino for reading and catching my errors! I appreciate him setting the record straight.
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