Years ago, animator/cartoonist Gene Hazelton mailed some original cartoons to Maggie Marker and her siblings. Now, 35 years later, Maggie pulls out that old envelope of his originals and shares some large scans of the art for The Flintstones and Yogi Bear newspaper comic strips at her blog.

My deep thanks to Maggie for letting me know about this project. Gene's lovely letter to the Marker children is a great introduction to what a syndicated cartoonist does.
Love, love, love Gene Hazelton's work! The early Hanna-Barbera character design and visual look was a major influence on my cartooning style.
What a treasure trove of original art!
I don't like the HB cartoon look -- but in Hazelton's hands, it's just gorgeous and slick. I see why you love his work, Daryll!
Hi Mike,, Havent been on my site in so long.. trying to update and read all the posts about Gene.. So many interesting facts.. and Thanks for getting my cartoons out there for others to see. Love my collection. A treasure forever..
Hi, I recently came across a very old picture frame of a cartoon drawing of a waiter that looks like it was done in 1930's. In the frame were 3 other originals (8x10) drawings with the caracter looking very much like Liberace playing the piano. The signature is GENE and the name in caps looks like it could be Gene Hazelton's signature. I'm interested in knowing if these could be original works of his. Can you direct me to someone who might know? I reside in NJ and can be reached via email
Thank you!
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