"DBR Media was formed in 2000 by a group of folks who had previously been at the helm of the King Features Weekly Service.It was run by Diane Eckert, Brad Elson and Richard Wilson -- whose first names formed the company's initials.
"... Weekly syndicates typically offer a complete package of features, and as far as I know DBR supplied not only comics, but all the rest of the typical goodies -- puzzles and columns to suit a wide range of tastes. As best I can tell, when they started their package included a group of five comics. I say as far as I can tell because I did not find a paper that ran the syndicate's offerings until much later. Which is a bit of a story in itself..."
DBR continued to do business through March 2008, when it closed up shop, stating there was no money to pay its contributors.
Allan has a description of all of the comics that were offered by DBR, with samples for most. These include:
- George by Mark Szorady
- Stormfield by Wes Alexander
- The Dinosaur Circus by Elena Steier
- Hamster Alley by Polly Keener
- The Leftersons by Collin T. Hayes
- Jet News by Bill Murray
- The Golden Years by Bill Murray
- Night Lights and Pillow Fights / Your Angels Speak by Guy and Brad Gilchrist
- Marvin the Calf by Ralph Hagen
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