This is the cat that has been hanging around this summer. Very sweet, very shy -- but he's playful and comes when called. (And why not? We feed him.)
Impervious to Havahart live animal traps. He is an orange cat, and has been named Dexter.

On Monday, this little gray kitty was caught in the live animal trap. Sweet, not shy, purry, inquisitive, cute -- very charming and he wanted to be adopted by us.
Made up a bunch of "Found Cat" flyers and went door to door, posted notes locally, went to the vet's. No takers.
Tuesday, I took him to the local no kill shelter (the Cocheco Valley Humane Society) where they believe he will be adopted very quickly.
It was very tempting to adopt him, but our hearts are set on Dexter.

This is the way the front of the house looked on National Feral Cat Day.

Resigned to the fact that our friend Dexter may be hanging around all winter, we made a cat house on the porch, nestled in between some straw bales.

We still hope to catch him in the Havahart, but we also don't want him to freeze ....
Hey Mike, great post my family and me are working to get the 2 feral kittens we rescued adopted. 1 of them is on the adoption floor at the shelter right now and they expect him to be adopted very soon. The other wasn't doing very good so we went and got him today from the shelter and we're working with the shelter to adopt him out of our house (much to the chagrin of my eldest Portuguese water dog, he's used to being the center of attention, he needs to get over himself.) I'm not usually a "cat" person but this cat has def made me a changed man. Good post and keep up the good work!
Good luck, Mike! Hope this works.
Jeff P.
You're a good man, Mr. Lynch.
Brian beat me to it. You've done a good thing Mike!
Excellent work, Mike.
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