Syndicated cartoonist Frank McLaughlin, right, gives Edward Stead 4, a lesson in drawing at the Sterling House in Stratford. For 45 years, McLaughlin has drawn such superhero characters as Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman. He will be teaching a class for adults on drawing cartoons later this month. (Phil Noel/Connecticut Post Staff photographer)
Richard Weizel, writing for the Connecticut Post, interviews BATMAN and GIL THORPE artist Frank McLaughlin in an article titled "It's a bird, it's a plane, it's superhero cartoonist."
"'Comics and newspaper comic strips have been on the decline for years now,' McLaughlin said. 'The days of light-hearted comic strips are over. Now, the movies have made characters like Batman very dark and serious.' He said the future for comics is the Internet and Web."Erin Holroyd, Frank's daughter, writes The White Viper online comic, with pencils by the one and only Dick Giodano and inks by Mr. McLaughlin.
H/t to THE BEAT.
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