Above: an absolute deadpan lovely typical Chon Day cartoon. Some of these cartoons are missing his signature, for some reason, and this is one of them.

I always like cartoons that seem like they're part of a much larger, deeper, darker story.

Above: another prison gag with a quiet line.

"Now this may make you scream a little."
This made me laugh. One of the funniest cartoons in the book. I love the designerly composition of the dentist's tools.

"The finance company was here -- they took the baby!"
Thanks to deregulation, we may not be far from this.

Above: I like Naked Guy's purposeful gait.

Above: health cost issues have not changed.

Above: a subtle joke, implying that the moment before, Monsieur Restaurant Patron ordered an "oven-broiled tractor." Look at the economy of line as Mr. Day suggests the other customers in the background.

I have only seen this kind of thing in the movies, but apparently men on stilts advertising stuff was part of every day big city life.

"By far the worst Santa Claus this store ever had!"
And yet, the kids are still patiently (but nervously) waiting for their turn on Santa's lap. I would put this in my personal top 5 of the funniest cartoons in the book.
Mike, I just love these Chon Day cartoons. Irv Hagglund had asimilar style back in the 60'S, &70"s. Thanks for the contact list . I'stllwaiting for an answer. Best, Don
The woman with the gun one is definately refrigerator sticking worthy!
Very pure, very funny.
Very funny ! Keep up the good work !
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