Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Garden as of Mid-July 2010

A few photos of the vegetable and flower gardens ....

These are the 3 main raised beds of vegetables.

Strawberries in front and runner beans in back. That's a tomato plant, lower right.

Broccoli, peppers and yellow squash, and, in the back there, cucumbers.

2 kinds of peas and cauliflower. On the far side (out of view): brussel sprouts.

Foreground: tomatoes (with marigolds). Behind that, a second box with lettuce, zucchini & carrots.

The new tomato bed since the old tomato bed got sickly in June (but now seems much better which may mean there will be zillions of tomatoes come August).

Perennial flower garden, with the new horseradish plant in the planter.

Yellow day lilies.

More day lilies.

Bee balm.

Beauty shot 1 - lilies.

Beauty shot 2 - I can't remember. Uh ... cone flowers?

Beauty shot 3 - sunflower, with some peas growing on it.

That's a cauliflower peeking out.

A surprise guest tomato plant in the middle of the pea patch.

First zucchini bloom.

Flower garden in front of the house, with the water hose splayed out. Lotsa watering to do! Look at how parched the lawn is from the scorcher weeks we've had! Yipe!


Jeff P said...

Wow, I'm tired just thinking about how much work this took! Very impressive.

That cauliflower shot disturbingly reminds me of the original film version of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers".

Mark Anderson said...

Holy cow, you guys are gonna be eatin' good pretty soon!

And is that rainbow coming out of your chimney?!

Anonymous said...

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Gerry said...

So, no deer up that way I guess? Or are they just well-trained?