CORRECTION: This is not a preview of her new GN, but rather it's a new "spin-off." (See below.)

CORRECTION 2: Liza emailed me the following:
"... [Y]ou don't have to register in order to see it. It was in the backstage first, and for that you had to register. for this now, its free. Also, it is not a chunk of my forthcoming book, rather it is a spin-off."
Thanks Liza. And I'm sorry for getting it wrong. Regardless, it's a good read.
Please take a moment to look.
Thanks, Mike! I don't want folks to think they have to pay to see it. I do think you have to register, as you say. But not pay.
Thanks, Mike. But now I see you DO have to register, you just don't have to subscribe as with "Backstage" feature they have. Sorry for the confusion. But thank you for your kind comment in any case!
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