OK, let's shft here, and talk about WDYGYI (Where Do You Get Your Ideas?). OK? OK!
Sometimes I get ideas out of anger.
There's a saying. Is it a well known saying? It goes something like, Anger turned outward is violence; anger turned inward is depression; anger turned sideways is Hawkeye.
No, that's an old M*A*S*H episode.
Where was I? Oh, yeah. Hate.
One thing I hate is office politics.
Everyone knows about it. And it seems to be everywhere: business, academia, fast food, white dollar, blue collar, etc. There's always some worker who's (a) untouchable, even though they are (b) incompetent.
This time, in today's cartoon, our incompetent worker is a lazy soul -- but sneaky.
I should have drawn him playing Tetris or surfing LiveJournal or watching LonelyGirl or something.
I drove over 600 miles this past weekend, back and forth to New Hampshire. (More about that later.) But that's nothing compared to the 3,458 miles this cartoon went. This is a double-dip cartoon, selling first in the US, and then traveling to the UK to be snagged by the SPECTATOR.
Last night I was watching the Oscars, saw a clip from the Oscar Award winning short WEST BANK STORY. It looked good -- and it was taking a very violent, angry situation and twisting it into something funny. Anyway, I think it MAY be funny. (I haven't watched it yet.) In less than a minute after watching it win, I downloaded it from iTunes. I "own" it. Talk about immediate gratification!
Cartoons -- inky, flat, gag cartoons -- have a slower road to hoe for any kinda gratification, gang.
The above cartoon was drawn in early June 2005. It was bought in September 2005 by a US media outlet. I sent it to Spectator in July 2006. I got a note from the cartoon editor letting me that he was holding a couple, and it's on the newsstand this week.
Don't get me wrong. I'm gratified!!! Just not immediately. But that's the way it is.
1 comment:
Hey are you a professional journalist? This article is very well written, as compared to most other blogs i saw today….
anyhow thanks for the good read!
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